
This Privacy Policy has been written to better serve those who care about how their "Personally Identifiable Information" is used on the Internet. As indicated in the Saudi Arabia Privacy and Information Law, it is information that can be used alone or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a single person, or to identify a person in context. Please read the privacy policy carefully to get a clear understanding of how we collect, use, protect or handle your personally identifiable information according to our website and apps.

What personal information do we collect from people who visit our website or apps?

When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your name, email address, phone number.

When do we collect information?

We collect information from you when you register on our website or apps as well when you enter information on our website or apps (KeyPone ).

How do we protect your information?

Our website is checked regularly for security holes and known vulnerabilities in order to make your visit to our site as safe as possible.

We use regular programmatic scanning.

Your personal information is contained behind secure networks and is only accessible by a limited number of people who have special access rights to these systems, and are required to keep the information confidential. Additionally, all sensitive / credit information you provide is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.

We implement a set of security measures when entering, submitting, or accessing user information to maintain the safety of your personal information.

All transactions are processed by the portal provider and are not stored or processed on our own servers and not on external servers. The site is secured and fortified by SSL in addition to a mechanism to secure the site, payments and all financial transactions are protected against theft.



Do we use cookies?

First of all, we do not use cookies for tracking purposes, but these cookies enable basic website and program functions, such as enabling our website to remember you as a unique visitor and your preferences so that we can improve your experience of using the site, such as remembering your language preference, and the country in which you are, And whether you work in a specific field. These cookies are also used in some parts of our sites to provide the services you have requested, such as displaying content specific to your interests and creating a unique customer experience.


Disclosure of information to a third party

We do not sell, trade, or transfer your personal information or data to external parties unless requested by the security authorities for reasons of national security.

We have not enabled Google AdSense on our site but we may do so in the future.

How to contact the KeyPone Company:

You can contact the customer service team

on the number: +966 546007030

Or via email: info@keypone.com